learned-helplessness "Following the work of Martin Seligman,
A fitting cartoon drawing which ironically has the same title as my blog's
Learned Helplessness, the Bush-Cheney Interrogation "Program",
your caption for this month's NAIS E-Bulletin Cartoon Caption Contest:
We know Dilbert and his personal failings and helplessness in his career.
The psychologists have shown these positive effects in their studies,
I lost my temper a lot, among other things,
My Struggle
For this cartoon we thank the artist Jess Gilmour, of the National
It is a welcome change
My Struggle

Are our fears learned or innate?
your life: ie get high grades in your assignment.. huhuhu.
Learning Theories
The cartoon above, from November '05, is one of my own personal favorites.

Bruce MacKinnon cartoon in today's Chronicle Herald
Click Here to Enlarge Cartoon and Download
“Hunger can be assuaged,
My presentation on Learned Helplessness - Hock 31. -- Comments and 5 Star rating is much appreciated!
EndBadBehavior.com - The concept of learned helplessness can creep into educational situations when parents don't allow kids the proper time and leeway to
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